Songs from the Community Sing tradition
Most songs are written for the movement by participants and song leaders, and many people in the Iowa City group have contributed to this growing canon. Community Sing is an international movement, with song groups active across the globe. Below are sound files of some of our favorites.
While many CS groups have a central or single leader, our Iowa City group is somewhat unique in that it features a decentralized, democratic model. Everyone is welcome to lead songs and develop skills at song leading. We all help to organize and facilitate song circles.
We worked hard to locate the song writers and sought to get permission from them, whenever possible.
While many CS groups have a central or single leader, our Iowa City group is somewhat unique in that it features a decentralized, democratic model. Everyone is welcome to lead songs and develop skills at song leading. We all help to organize and facilitate song circles.
We worked hard to locate the song writers and sought to get permission from them, whenever possible.